The solo created, directed, and performed by Rosa Antuña, premiered in 2010, and has since been circulating throughout the country having been presented at festivals such as the 1,2 DANCE (Belo Horizonte, MG), MOVE Festival (Manaus, AM), International Theatre Festival (Golden, MS), Aldeia SESC Pelourinho (Salvador, BA), Diversity in Dance (Viçosa, MG), Klauss Vianna (Belo Horizonte, MG), International Dance Forum (São José do Rio Preto, SP), among others.
Dance, music, theater and poetry are the resources used to express the theme of “Wild Woman”, which is nothing more than a woman in her natural state, creative, free, feminine, confident and full. This solo, as well as the book seeks to remind us to stick to our instincts and allow our inner wolf to always be present, protecting and guiding us on our path.
In “Women Who Run With the Wolves,” a book by Clarissa Pinkola Estes*, the term wild woman is used to describe woman in their truest sense directly related to their feminine essence; a free woman that exists within every woman. This free woman is one who creates, paints, sings, composes, cooks, sews, writes, dances, represents, is… The wild woman is the very strength of women, with lightness, completeness and consistency.
Though it might be hard to believe, this is not so simple in practice. Due to our social and cultural history, the wild woman has been beaten, repressed, and condemned into wandering through dark forests or arid deserts full of wild beasts. Unfortunately, often times this metaphor has been literal.
Today, women who have lost contact with their wild woman are bitter, haggard, mannish, confused, and frustrated… She is a woman without a sense of “I“. Canceled. She lives roles. Lives in function for others, but never in the terms for herself. And while she runs from one side to the other, her female becomes a female grim. Her wild woman screams for help and does anything to get peoples attention.
A woman who loses her wild instinct loses the vitality of life. Self-sabotage, fear, constant conflict, jealousy, loss of self-esteem, emotional dependency, are just some of the problems that arise when women lose contact with the wolf inside them.

“I had a strong reaction after reading “Women Who Run With the Wolves”. After completing this book I felt a calling to create something with the theme “wild woman”.
The creation of this solo, which contains dance, poetry, theater and music, is the creative manifestation of a woman in search of running with the wolves.”

Rosa Antuña

*Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés, the book’s author, is a researcher and storyteller. She tackles this subject through fairy tales and stories of ancient people and tribes. She makes a deep analysis on the archetypes, metaphors, characters contained in these tales and reveals the hidden wisdom of the importance of feeding the wild woman inside each and every woman.


Direção, coreografia, textos e atuação: Rosa Antuña
Figurino: Rosa Antuña
Cenário: Mário Nascimento
Criação de lu : Mário Nascimento
Trilha sonora (compilação): Rosa Antuña
Edição de Áudio: Eduardo Borges

Produção: Cia MN e Herivelto Campos
Apoio: Studio It, Stúdio Pilates Andrea Mourão
Agradecimento: Mário Nascimento, Elaine Reis, Andrea Mourão, Duda Las Casas, Eduardo Borges

• 26 de outubro e 2 de novembro – Caixa Cultural – Recife, PE

• 22 de abril – Teatro da Caixa – Brasília, DF

• 9 de junho – Circuito Cultural Ribeira SESC – Casa da Ribeira – Natal, RN
• 24 de maio – Conexão Cacilda – Teatro Cacilda Becker – Rio de Janeiro, RJ
• 1, 2 e 3 de fevereiro – Campanha de Popularização do Teatro e da Dança – Espaço Multiuso do SESC Palladium – Belo Horizonte, MG

• 16 de novembro – PALCO GIRATÓRIO – Aldeia SESC Pelourinho – Salvador, BA
• 1 de setembro – Abertura do IV Festival Internacional de Teatro – Dourados, MS
• 28 de junho – I Diversidade em Dança – Viçosa, MG

• 24 de julho – 13° PEÇA BIS – Teatro Alterosa – Belo Horizonte, MG
• 9 de junho – II MOVA-SE FESTIVAL DE DANÇA – Solos, Duos e Trios – Teatro da Instalação – Manaus, AM
• 1 ° de maio – Mostra de Dança Klauss Vianna – Teatro do Corpo – Belo Horizonte, MG
• 8 de abril – Forum Internacional de Dança de São José do Rio Preto – TEATRO DO SESC – São José do Rio Preto, SP

• 28 e 29 de outubro – Teatro Alterosa – Belo Horizonte, MG
• 16 de setembro – 1,2 NA DANÇA – Teatro Alterosa – Belo Horizonte, MG
• 25 de junho – Estreia Nacional – SESC Ribeirão Preto – Ribeirão Preto, SP

Concept and Performance: Rosa Antuña
Director: Roberta Carreri
Costume: Rosa Antuña
Music Compilation: Rosa Antuña
Lighting Designer and Technician: Sidney Honório
Photography and Video: Duda Las Casas and Marco Aurélio Prates
English Translation: Alicia-Lynn Castro
Press Administrator: Duda Las Casas
Production: Mario Nascimento Dance Company and Herivelto Campos
Support: Studio It, Andrea Mourão’s Pilates Studio
Acknowledgement: Mário Nascimento, Elaine Reis, Andrea Mourão

Concept and Performance: Rosa Antuña
Director: Roberta Carreri
Costume: Rosa Antuña
Music Compilation: Rosa Antuña
Lighting Designer and Technician: Sidney Honório
Photography and Video: Duda Las Casas and Marco Aurélio Prates
English Translation: Alicia-Lynn Castro
Press Administrator: Duda Las Casas
Production: Mario Nascimento Dance Company and Herivelto Campos
Support: Studio It, Andrea Mourão’s Pilates Studio
Acknowledgement: Mário Nascimento, Elaine Reis, Andrea Mourão